[1]Hello, I'm John Alvin. Sure you ain'ta mutant 'cause they never get through the logic lock. [2]Yeah, when they found you, you were nearly dead. [3]No. Father George found you. You are bound to him for your life. George's head of our Church of Water and Rain. Under the rules of the city, he had to quarantine you till we'd be sure you ain'ta mutant. [4]The church is the very first building behind the gate, but I dunno how you wanna get there. A mutant raid is expected and till the threat ends, gate stays locked. I ain't made it back too. The laws are strict, but in these days that's our only defence. [5]This is the Old Lake City. It's named after the near lake, almost dry nowadays. [6]Becherovka factory? I can help you in this, but it won't be cheap. I must get into the city before the raid takes place, so find me some way and I will help you. [7]<50>Great, I can return to the city at last. The entrance to Becherovka factory is in the basement of Mad Brahmin's, just push the shelf with bottles aside. [1]{2}I'm glad I made it through the desert. [1]{7}(20)I have the city key for ya. [1]{5}Where the hell am I? [1]{0}Let the rain go along with you. [2]{3}Was it you who locked me there? [3]{4}I should give him my thanks. Where can I find him? [4]{1}Yup, I get it. [5]{6}The city I was looking for.The Becherovka entrance must be here. [6]{1}I'll come back when I find some way. [7]{1}Thanks for help.